Wisdom, inspiration, life and love quotes by Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe has always been ahead of her time. She drove her dreams to success and spoke about her life, emotions, and insecurities that still astonish me. She navigated with her depths at a time when being a woman in show business was belittled.
And she came, made a mark, and ruled the business with one smile.
She always knew how to chase real goals, and every woman of every generation should look into her charisma and try to level up.

There is beauty in looking up to a woman and trying to be like her. People can judge all they want and accuse women of not being friends or not capable of celebrating the success of others. But the ones I know, and the ones I aspire to be, live to evolve and grow with others.

One woman who inspires, motivates, and moves me with her choices is the queen of breakthroughs, confidence, authenticity, and drama — Marilyn Monroe.

Here are a few life quotes from her brave and glorious life that women of all ages, cultures, and regions should imbibe.

1. Be unapologetically you. Stop chasing those approvals and recognitions that mar your individuality. You were never born to fit but to fly.

2. Every woman can make her means. No matter where you come from, make it a point to pay your bills. Not because you should but because you can. It seems little. But this one act of always paying up changes the table dynamics forever.

3. We open our hearts to escape loneliness, but real loneliness is standing in a crowd of people you never wished to be around. Choose one real relation over a hundred fakes, and nurture it till the end. It’s always one ray that takes through the tunnel. The rest just burn us. Do not pursue people, relations, and connections that scar your soul.

4. Start asking the right questions about regret. Not every memory was meant to be a regret. Regret is just an emotion. It’s okay if you feel it, but start putting logic to it. Most of the regret in the world arises from the people around us. Was it something you regretted? No, then why bother? You lived the way you deemed fit. Why would you ever doubt yourself?

5. There is no point in fighting for equal rights when you do not have the heart to stand up for yourself. No one is going to give you the rights you deserve. You take them every day. You approve of every limit around you. Stop blaming others for your limitations. And start breaking the ones that define you.

6. Rules are good only if you wish to dream and dare to be limited. The crazy stories and the exceptional success never came in the way of rule-conscious tamed people. Wipe the slate and make your rules. The rules that support you and your life.

Be your own Marilyn Monroe.
Leave a mark.
Own the place.
Don’t be afraid.
We are all capable of everything we dare to want and work for.
Marilyn did it so that we all could do it.
Find your recognition.
You have one life. No one should spend it in the shadows.

Keep on living and loving yourself.

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